T731 Life-to-Eagle Process
While not required to be completed in our recommended order, it is a good idea to finish up any missing merit badges before starting on your project.
Make sure you Troop Positions of Responsibility are updated into Scoutbook (under My Leadership) along with the year or rank they occurred. Let the Scoutmaster or Advancement Chair know so the positions can be approved.
Discuss project with beneficiary.
Discuss possible projects with Scoutmaster and Committee Chair.
Select an Eagle Project Counselor
Ask your fellow Scouts about their couselor and experiences.
Discuss final project
Make sure you CC all communication with the beneficiary and counselor, along with your parent and Scoutmaster.
Once you are decided on a project, fill out the Proposal section of the Eagle Project Workbook [link]
Per the district, the Proposal should be brief, however you should ask your counselor as to the amount of detail they perfer.
Review the proposal with the same people listed above* and, if they approve, have them sign Proposal Page H, starting with the Scoutmaster and the Committee Chair.
NO digital signatures on any forms are allowed.
Note: The Scoutmaster and the Committee Chair may assign another adult leader to sign on their behalf if they are not available.
*Check with your Project counselor to see if they prefer the page H be signed in any particular order--however, technically, it shouldn't matter.
If you do ANY fundraising or get donations from anyone other than your direct family members, you need to fill out the Fundraising Application (in the workbook).
Finish project and workbook.
Be sure to take BEFORE, DURING, & AFTER photos.
Include photos of other Scouts and youth working.
You should not be doing the majority of the work--you should be leading others.
The middle section of the workbook, the Project Plan, is a much more detailed version of the project proposal. It should be written as a blueprint so anyone could finish your project if you were not doing it.
Keep track of all your hours, including meeting times; keep track of the hours for everyone helping too.
The last section of the workbook, the Project Report, is completed after the project is done. Focus on your leadership, problems that arose, and what you learned.
This is signed by the beneficiary and the Scoutmaster
Download Eagle application from Scoutbook (see menu location below)
Fill out remainder of application on a computer.
Do NOT fill one out by hand
Get all "wet"* signatures on a single page; so not scan/photograph and email separately to signatories; again, NO digital signatures allowed.
*Wet signatures means have the signatories sign in person with a pen.
When filling out requirement 2, it is not necessary to list their email, but you must include their phone number
Name the PDF as follows: "Last name, First name, T731, RSLR.pdf" (with your legal name--duh!)
Download your Individual Scout Advancement Report
Make sure it is completely fill in; individual req. dates do not need to be filled in, just the date advancement was earned.
Name the advancement report: "Last name, First name, T731.pdf"
SCAN any complete signature pages (no photographs), save as PDF, and then email the PDF files and the scanned signature page to:
sdiceagleapplication@scouting.orgAdd your full name and district (Rancho San Luis Rey) to the subject line.
SDIC will verify your application for completeness and accuracy. This may take several weeks; you cannot rush the process.
Send out requests for Letters of Recommendation(LORs) to the persons listed in requirement 2 immediately after submitting your application.
(Presumedly, you application will be approved, but since LORs can take several weeks, it will save time if you ask for them early.)Send a pre-addressed, stamped envelope with LOR instructions.
Address envelope to:
Pam Dixon
Ref: [Your Name, Troop 731]
397 Mainsail
Oceanside, CA 92054
You, your family members, or adult leaders must NOT follow up with the persons about the status of their LOR.
Understand that you will never see the LORs; only the Eagle Board of Review (EBOR) will see the letters.
Write and submit your Letter of Ambition (LOA) immediately after submitting your application.
Include an addendum with your Troop history, including positions
After your application is approved, mail to Pam Dixon at the address above and request an EBOR.
You will receive a date for a Eagle Board of Review from Mrs. Dixon.
It’s OK if the date is after your 18th birthday
Prepare your Project workbook for submission
Scan the workbook and save as PDF.
Be sure to include all the signature pages.
Email JUST the workbook to Pam Dixon at email above. (Do NOT include any photos in the workbook or separately at this time.)
Create a small photo album (appx. 12 photos)
Prepare a bound report including:
Photo album
Adv. Report
To give the EBOR members time to review your project, hand the bound report to Scoutmaster if he/she is attending the District Roundtable before your EBOR. (Roundtables are on the second Thursday of each month.)
Prepare for your EBOR
Know the Scout Oath and Law
Know your project inside and out--prepare to discuss:
How you came across the project
Problems that arose and how you solved them
Your leadership issues
What you learned
Be prepared to discuss your Scouting history
Merit badges (e.g. hardest, favorite, etc.)
Summer camps attended
Positions held
Be prepared to discuss your LOA and future goals (college, career, etc.)
Additional Help/Information
Advancement Chair Amee Howard's Trail to Eagle presentation
Scout Smarts https://scoutsmarts.com/category/eagle-scout-and-beyond/